May 06, 2007


Here is a RAK from Ms. Fleurs, received on a day when I needed the lift. Funny how RAKs always arrive that way.
Things are moving along in the basement and the head honcho says it should be finished this week. Riiiiiiight ...


Anonymous said...

Keeping fingers crossed for you Robin! I'm so jealous! I hope it does get finished for you!

Flower said...

If you stop feeding them good eats and showing them hospitality and maybe they will go away. Burn the cookies black, put salt in their coffee, and display a huge nervous tick in your left eye when you talk to them about it being done.

We're all here waiting for cards!

Birdbrain said...

But they might perceive the tic as a frantic wink!

Kathy said...

awww this is so cute, I love it!

Flower said...

ROFL! Frantic wink! LOL