April 16, 2008

Weekly Challenge

This week it's Lori's turn to post the challenge on Inkstainers. "This weeks challenge is theme based. And our theme is Friendship. Anything goes, and if enough participate, and want, we can mingle! Have fun!!!!"

I bought a package of the SU 12x12 textured paper and it's perfect for these pocket cards. The cat paper was from my stash and I'm looking for a cat stamp to match but by the time I find one the paper will be all used. LOL. I hope lots of people participate so we can enjoy the mingle!


1 Crafty Gal said...

Ohhh, this is PURRRR-fect!!

Michelle said...

Aw, very nice. I love the criss cross and the kitties are perfect! :)

Stockpiling Mom said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog:-) Good luck on the giveaway! I do ship to Canada :-) I have made several items so far and hope to continue ;-) I am glad you found me through Karie :-)
