April 17, 2009

Funny Crows

I buy bread that's past it's freshness date at an outlet down the road from where we live (1.00 for a tray of ten or twelve bags of bread). It's for a family of crows that has been hanging around for several years. They have lookouts to the east and west of the house so they always know when I throw out bread. One of their outposts is halfway between our house and Mom and Dad's place. They can see both houses and there are always goodies one place or the other. It's kind of funny because the two houses are out of sight of each other.
Yesterday morning I threw out some old burger buns and the next thing I knew there were four deer chowing down. One black bird was not impressed but you can see he/she triumphed in the end and made off with a mouthful of bun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice photos of the deer and the crow. You must have a good zoom on your camera. So funny how the crow ended up getting his bread lol!