May 29, 2007

Starting to reorganize

It will take time, as I am working with three levels here and everything is all over the place. But here is the start of the new room being returned to crafting.

May 16, 2007

Nova Scotia Spring

The irony, the irony. Mother Nature kicks our butts once again.

May 11, 2007


OK! Except for a few minor things in the basement area, the restoration is done. Hoo and ray! I am going to wait just a bit longer to put my craft supplies back where they belong - give the paint a chance to dry and cure really well.
Photo #1: Like the floor? It will be so much easier to keep clean than the carpet and is so much more practical. I can't seem to get a picture to show the color of the walls just right but this is close.
Photo#2: New vanity/top/taps and the old medicine cabinet which I refinished. The color on the walls is somewhere between the ligher blue and the darker blue reflected in the mirror.
Photo#3: The beautiful pine doors and, for all the world to see, a bit of the toilet!
Photo#4: I was trying to capture the wall colors again. You can see a bit of the tile in the bathroom, too.
Photo#5: Just another bathroom pic - use your imagination to feel the blue.
The overall effect with the blue and green is calming and pretty much what I wanted. I'm looking into storage for the closets and we will, before too long (hopefully), have doors on the closets. That's our responsibility because there weren't doors there before the flood. A new blind at the window and I'm good to go!
If anybody really cares, go to and you can see the actual colors; Whipple Blue in the bathroom, Hazy Blue in the bed/craft room (it's not blue at all, is it?), and Caribbean Mist on the bathroom ceiling and the painted portion of the medicine cabinet.

May 08, 2007

Still no cards ...

... but this looks like fun. I snarfed it from my niece's blog. Everybody reading this is tagged. Yes, YOU!

SCATTERGORIES... Use the 1st letter of your first name to answer each of the following. If you can't think of anything, skip it. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. AND you can't use the same word twice.

Your Name: Robin
Famous Music artist/group: Rod Stewart
3 letter word: Rat
Street name: Regent
Color: Red
Gifts/present: Ring
Vehicle: Rowboat
Show: Rawhide
Country: Romania
Boy Name: Richard
Girl Name: Ramona
Alcoholic drink: Rob Roy
Occupation: Realtor
Flower: Ranunculus
Celebrity: Reese Witherspoon
Something found in a kitchen: Radishes
Reason for Being Late: Ran out of gas
Something Scary: Revenue Canada
A Feeling: Remorse
Animal: Rabbit
Something you shout: RIGHT!

May 06, 2007


Here is a RAK from Ms. Fleurs, received on a day when I needed the lift. Funny how RAKs always arrive that way.
Things are moving along in the basement and the head honcho says it should be finished this week. Riiiiiiight ...