Seven things about me (that you really don't need to know):
1) I need space.
2) My left eyelid droops a bit and is accentuated in photos, hence my reason for not liking to be photographed.
3) I was accepted at university after high school but didn't go because my (then) boyfriend didn't want me to. The boyfriend is long gone (he was abusive) and I don't regret not going. I might do it yet!
4) I am cool in a crisis. When it's over I fall to pieces.
5) I can doctor other people's gruesome injuries but faint if the blood is mine.
6) I alphabetize my spices and all the coats in the hall closet have to be facing the same way.
7) I have had stitches in my foot, knee, abdomen, wrist, gums, eyelid, face and back of the head.
Now ... anybody reading this is tagged. Do it!